21 Best Foods for Six Pack Abs

You are honestly working out in the gym and not reaching anywhere? Don’t blame the failure on your lady luck not smiling. This is because you only have half the knowledge. “Muscles are built in the Kitchen” is the new theory that helps you better your metabolism, when in turn burns fat and allow your abs to start peeping out of your tummy fat! To help you out we are now giving you the full list of healthy foods that help you with your objective.

Dude, open your eyes. The six pack diet foods we have chosen have not come from the moon; they are very much in front. The foods are so humble (fruits, veggies and the like) you could never think they were so nutritive. Get ready to unhide your six pack abs and show the world why you worked out in the gym!

You also have to follow core exercises to build six pack abs fast

Food Plan for Six Pack Abs

Follow this food plan religiously and continue with your gym. Expect good results within a few months.

  1. Start with Green Tea in the morning which makes your body aware of antioxidants.
  2. Have a banana before your meals so you start shedding your tummy bloat and the fruit’s mass helps you eat less at breakfast.
  3. Have a protein powder shake with your meals and have two slices of brown bread and boiled eggs.
  4. Wait for an hour before hitting the gym.
  5. Have a big bowl of Greek Yoghurt after 15-20 minutes as post-workout meal.
  6. Include at least one of the below listed products in your meals till you call it a day.
  7. Keep changing the foods for variety.
  8. Have Green Tea at least 3-5 times daily and avoid having sugar based tea/coffee.

Identify your chosen products from the list given below and write it down so that following it is easy.

Recommended: Best supplements to increase fat burning and show your six pack abs

21 Best Foods for Six Pack Abs – Essential for Better Performance

1. Eggs

EggsEgg contains a nutrient, Choline, which ups your metabolism and helps turn off the genes, which are responsible for tummy fat storage. Egg’s satiety value—keeping you full for long—helps you to lose weight. There is no need to cook any fancy meal, simply hard boil your egg and you are done. Easy, isn’t it?

2. Lean Poultry (Chicken)

Lean Poultry (Chicken)Lean cuts of Chicken or Turkey helps you a lot. Studies indicate that protein not only boosts satiety but helps people less carbs at next meals. In addition, it has a thermogenic effect compared to fats & carbs. In plain words, it means that your body burns a significant percentage of meat’s calories as it digests. In addition, protein can boost after-meal calorie burn too. Note it down that protein is your biggest help in reducing body fat.

3. Whole Wheat Pasta

Whole Wheat PastaEveryone knows dark colour veggies & grains work best. Similarly whole-wheat is brown and has grain, nutrients and fiber which fill your tummy quickly. The nutrients help reduce your flab and nutrients balance off the highs and lows of what your body lacks. You can also try dark lentils, chickpeas and kidney beans for variety.

4. Legumes

LegumesResearchers found out that chickpeas, groundnut, pea and beans all are helpful in reducing tummy fat effectively. Using legumes in your salads works wonders for all.

5. Whole Wheat Bread (Brown Bread)

Whole Wheat Bread (Brown Bread)Do not shun brown bread completely. When the full wheat is included while making the bread, all parts are used including the fiber. Just make sure you are purchasing the best variety and not the one where only caramelized flour is used as brown bread.

6. Stress Busters: Red Bell Peppers

Stress Busters: Red Bell PeppersShouting and yelling on yourself never works especially if you are frustrated by zero gymming results. Stress goes against your body as it then releases Cortisol, which encourages the body to store cholesterol-raising fat around the midsection. The good news is that Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Lemon can ward off fat and keep you trim. Research says Vitamin C helps level your Cortisol and allow abs to grab the eyeballs.

7. Bananas

BananasFlatulence or gas makes even the taut tummy look like a bit of a pouch. Bananas help you keep the gas and extra water retention away. Simply eat a banana before meals and within a month or two you will find your tummy-bloat vanish by 50 per cent. Also, it is a good source of Potassium which helps you diminish water retention. What a simple way to roam top-less on a beach.

8. Oats

OatsOats are loaded with fiber that prevents quick release of carbohydrates. Oats also have around 10 grams of protein per small cup; they do deliver steady, abs-muscle-friendly energy too. Moreover, this fiber is soluble which aids in digestion and prevents heart disease.

9. Green Tea

Green TeaThis is one of our favourites. Drink 4-5 cups of green tea and spend at least 30 minutes working out in a gym and let the magic happen. Your tummy will almost disappear in a few months. Green Tea contains Catechins an antioxidant, which interferes with the storage of belly fat. In other words, this antioxidant disperses the fat onto other body areas.

Recommended: Best green tea brands for weight loss

10. Quinoa

QuinoaIt has maximum protein than any other grain and it packs of heart-healthy, unsaturated fats. Quinoa is a great source of fiber and Vitamin B. Having Quinoa at breakfast will provide not only protein but some carbs as well.

11. Red Tart Cherries

Red Tart CherriesSimply said, Red Tart Cherries are a delicious, phytonutrient-rich snack. Irrespective whether you get them dried; frozen or canned they are a superpower fruit. Consumed regularly they reduce belly fat by over 10 percent and the nutrients change the expression of our fat genes. You kill two birds with one stone.

12. Apples

ApplesThe best sources of fiber and you should eat them at every opportunity. Research shows that for every 10-gram increase in daily consumption of soluble fiber, the belly fat reduced by over 3.7 percent. In addition, the study said that the Pink Lady Variety had the highest level of antioxidant flavonoids, the fat burning compound.

13. Sweet Potatoes, the king of Slow Carbs

Sweet Potatoes, the king of Slow CarbsSweet potatoes, digested very slowly and you will feel fuller for long. Loaded with fiber and nutrients they help you burn fat. The magic lies with carotenoids, antioxidants that stabilize blood-sugar levels and lower insulin resistance. This means it prevents calories from being converted into fat. Plus their high vitamin profile which includes Vitamins A, C and B6 give you more energy to burn at the gym.

14. Cold Potato Salad Magic

Cold Potato Salad MagicYou read it right, cold potato salad contains a magic as their digestible starches turn into resistant starches by Retrogradation. This resistant starch resists digestion promoting fat oxidation and in turn reduces abdominal fat. Drizzle some lime juice, some peppers and you are off to a good start. Bring out the magician in you.

15. Dahi (Greek Yoghurt)

Dahi (Greek Yoghurt)Our Indian Yoghurt has loads of calcium, probiotics and it is THE product labeled as best weight loss foods. Try it out and find that within one month, you will lose two times more fat than ever before. Research studies never speak lies, only the truth. So there should be no one stopping you from losing fat.

16. Spinach

SpinachMany assumed Popeye’s energy boost was exaggerated but no it is true. This green overflows with protein, as just one cup of steamed spinach equals protein in a hardboiled egg. Do you know the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn at rest! Now the added bonus, spinach is rich in Thylakoids, a compound that reduces cravings and promotes weight loss. Are you ready to become the next Popeye?

17. Wheat Bran (Chokar in Hindi)

Wheat Bran (Chokar in Hindi)Loaded with bloat-banishing fiber, very low in calories and towering in muscle-building protein it is a nutritional champion. Add it to your daily meals and you have crunchy and nutty flavor. You can never go wrong with this very Indian thing!

18. Buckwheat (Kuttu in Hindi)

Buckwheat (Kuttu in Hindi)Kuttu or Buckwheat is gluten-free, good, and complete source of protein supplying all nine essential muscle-building amino acids our bodies cannot produce. The star attraction boasts of magnesium and fiber content which slows digesting and wards off blood sugar spikes and hunger too.

19. Blueberries

BlueberriesWow, a single cup of blueberries has 22 grams of carbohydrates. They are also loaded with Polyphenols that prevent fat from forming and they actively burn fat and specialized at spot reducing it. The surprise package contains Catechins that activate the fat-burning gene in tummy-fat cells. Also their skins are loaded with Ursolic Acid which prevents muscle breakdowns.

20. Black Beans, The Protein Powerhouse

Black Beans, The Protein PowerhouseIt is an advanced fat-burning and muscle-building machine. Beans are a very good source of protein and lots of fiber which ensures blood-sugar is never spiked and provide you with energy and build muscle simultaneously. Just one cup of black beans has 12 grams of protein and 9 grams of fiber. Rich in folate, which is Vitamin B stoking muscle growth and copper which strengthens tendons. Have it regularly and watch quick weight loss.

21. Whey Protein Powder

Whey Protein PowderSometimes eating solid food is difficult but drinking is a bit easy. Whey protein powder is easily mixable with any liquids like milk, fruit juice or yoghurt and you can easily sip in small quantities and you are done.