Which are the best whey protein in India for building fast muscles?
Whey Protein is the gold standard for bodybuilders. Not only it suppresses hunger (a cause for adding tires around the tummy) but it aids in building muscles and losing weight. Today many reputed suppliers carry protein supplement in India and have over a dozen brands to choose from. The other nutrients that come along with also do their part beautifully and help the athlete gain a physically good-looking body.
How to Choose Best Whey Protein Powder
It all depends on which bodybuilding stage you are on now. If you have just begun, it makes no sense looking for pre- intra- or post-workout supplements. Eat your normal food you took till date and continue on your exercises. Maintain proper disciplines as far as exercises go. Do not skip your routine.
If at least a month has passed, consider whether you are hitting the extremes. If at the end of your gym time, you feel some broken muscle or some stress in your arms or legs, you should definitely look for whey protein powder. Spending your money now gets good results, the ones you would have aimed for. The best whey protein supplement that will help you cross your resistance training limits forms a separate list. At least now, do not either look for or invest money in supplement combos.
Should I take Supplements if I have started working on my glutes and different body parts?
Definitely, you should lookout for supplements now. Normal food does not address nutritional requests for Glutes and other body parts. No doubt out body manufactures Glutamine but it is not sufficient to cover the resistance training related stress. To help our body cope with, we need a supplement having Glutamine in sufficient quantity.
After discussing with hundreds of fellow bodybuilders and cataloging their experiences, we have rounded off a few Glutamine Supplements that really work for the newcomers, and especially Indians. Our food habits, our environment is very different from that of foreigners and hence the combos suggested may be different from what everyone sees.
Now you can understand when you need supplements. Without imparting resistance training to all body parts, the need for supplements does not exist. Even if you purchase and consume, the nutrition will simply find its way out of your body, unused.
- How to Choose Best Whey Protein Powder
- Top 10 Best Whey Protein in India 2022 to Buy Online
- 1. Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard
- 2. BSN Syntha 6
- 3. Isopure Low Carb
- 4. Dymatize Elite 100% Whey Protein
- 5. Ultimate Nutrition Prostar 100% Whey Protein
- 6. MyProtein Impact Whey Protein
- 7. MuscleTech NitroTech Performance Series
- 8. MuscleBlaze Whey Protein
- 9. MusclePharm Combat 100% Whey Protein
- 10. Ultimate Nutrition ISO Sensation 93 Whey Protein
Top 10 Best Whey Protein in India 2024-25 to Buy Online
1. Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard

It is the best on the Nutrition Charts. The ingredients are solid building blocks of Optimum Nutrition. It provides a whopping 24 grams of pure protein with low values of fat, lactose and carbs. The power packed formula contains Whey Protein, Glutamine and Glutamic Acid and Branched Chain Amino Acids or BCAA. You just cannot go wrong on this and can buy it blindly.
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2. BSN Syntha 6

The BSN has done its hard work and created an awesome formulation. Not only it tastes great, it mixes well and is creamy (yummy). With so many powerful components like BCAA or Branched Chain Amino Acids, Glutamine, Fiber, MCTs, EFAs and Peptides it helps overcome fatigue and builds endurance. What’s more, it decreases the risk of injuries especially during resistance training and physical activities. Which means you run less risk of injuries and carry out all your bodybuilding work effortlessly, and that too while increasing your levels.
Indian athletes just love it as it assists in strength building because BSN Syntha-6 Protein Powder contains healthy fat for those long strenuous exercises. If is one of the most effective protein powders on the market which tastes good and works better from its competitors.
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3. Isopure Low Carb

Are you looking to building Lean Muscles easily? Look no further, the lean muscle builder has arrived. It has a simple formula with very low carbs ratio, which ensures you put on no fat, just plain lean muscles. The lady luck has smiled for us Indians. This is an awesome protein powder available in India.
Made up of Soy (Soya), dairy products, egg, wheat, peanuts and tree nuts you can see how wonderful mix it is. These are our staple foods that we normally consume, but the formulation is what a product depends on.
They have another product, which boasts of a Zero Carbs, which provides 50 grams of Protein and that too from 100% Whey Protein Isolate. (Well, only experts know what an Isolate means but for newcomers, let us write that it is the purest Whey Protein which is ONLY Protein and nothing else!)
4. Dymatize Elite 100% Whey Protein

Do you get tired soon after a workout? An excellent supplement ensures better protein synthesis for that balanced energy. Imagine the whopping 25 grams of Protein in just one scoop of 33.6 grams, which recovers your muscle tissues faster. Faster recovery means the muscles gain better strength and increased endurance.
Thanks to the constant support of Amino Acids within the pure Whey Protein that look after your muscles whenever you finish your intense training session. Reach next levels easily and effortlessly.
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5. Ultimate Nutrition Prostar 100% Whey Protein

Ultimate Nutrition has designed 100% Prostar Whey Protein including all essential & nonessential amino acids to build muscles after intense exercise of both short & long duration. It is a customized blend of all the nutrients and hence Prostar Whey Protein is the preferred nutritional supplement for those who lead an active lifestyle. It supports the muscle maintenance, buildup and toning among individuals who exercise only on weekends. Exercise duration & intensity determine which nutrient fuels are burned to gain energy. An exercise regimen comprising low-to-moderate intensity and long duration necessitates large quantities of fuel. Prostar Whey Protein takes care of all who workout daily and casually.
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6. MyProtein Impact Whey Protein

One of the best Whey Protein powders on the market, it packs an awesome 21 grams of protein, 4.5 grams of BCAA and 2.6 grams of Glutamine. This powerful formula makes it an instant hit for pre and post-exercise nutrition to go for. And this is not all as the mix contains 1.9 grams of fat and just 1 gram of carbohydrates, which means instant energy without the fear of getting flabby. To top it all, just over 1000 calories per serving, an amount perfect for all of your fitness goals.
Bodybuilders are now having a good time because MyProtein’s Impact Whey Protein also comes in lip-smacking flavours, so that nutrition gets tasty and delicious too.
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7. MuscleTech NitroTech Performance Series

The first company to offer Alanine, Glycine and Taurine, all three free-form Amino Acids. Alanine helps in post-workout conditions to combat muscle breakdown and also promote protein synthesis. Alanine, in fact, is the second most widely used Amino Acid after Leucine and is the primary one for the production of usable glucose during intense training.
Muscletech Nitrotech is the protein supplement for rapid post-workout Amino Acid delivery. It delivers essential Amino Acids and Protein Building Amino Acids, easily digested and absorbed by your bloodstream, which further aids in cell repair and growth.
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8. MuscleBlaze Whey Protein

MuscleBlaze Whey Protein provides with 25g protein and 5.6g BCAA and 11.6g Essential Amino Acids in each serving, which leads to faster muscle gain and recovery making it the best Whey protein Supplement powder in India. It is manufactured using Whey from USA ensuring protein quality of reputable standards. Made from Whey protein Isolate is the primary source of protein and Whey protein concentrate as the secondary source.
The added DigeZyme, a multi-enzyme blend helps improve protein digestion, thereby lowering any symptoms of bloating. Improved digestion ensures that maximum nutrients of get absorbed in fitness enthusiasts for a speedy recovery and greater muscle.
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9. MusclePharm Combat 100% Whey Protein

Friends, this no-nonsense Whey Protein is liked by most and fast coming up in the ranks for bodybuilders & athletes alike. Each serving gives a whopping 25 grams of Whey Protein, made up of Isolates & Concentrates in a unique quick digesting formula. It has a very low amount of inherent fat and free from any kind of dyes or fillers or gluten. No wonder it tastes real good and offers the best amount of energy for all of your pre and post workout needs.
The formula per serving gives 2 grams of carbohydrates and just 1 gram of fat, essential for your bodily movements. Available in Cappuccino, Vanilla and Cookies and Crème flavours so that you can choose the taste for your nutrition.
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10. Ultimate Nutrition ISO Sensation 93 Whey Protein

Treat yourself well with this ultra low temperature treated Whey Protein which retains the full spectrum of protein benefits. This ISO Sensation is a revolutionary product containing High Quality, Whey Protein Isolate which is quickly digestible for that instant dose of energy for pre and post workouts. Delivering the maximum, 30 gram protein per serving, it also includes the first food humans have, Colostrum which brings many nutritionary benefits.
Available in 12 delicious flavours including Chocolate Fudge & Café Brazil, it includes Alpha Lipoic Acid for insulin efficiency and Glutamine for that instant muscle performance that takes your weight training quite far and efficient.
Bodybuilders never had this easy when looking for best whey protein powder in India. Each of the products mentioned above has a varied mix like Glutamine, Glutamic Acid and BCAA. Read about these nutrients presented individually and decide. After all, only you know about your body and in best position to decide what suits best. So, what are you waiting for? Get the best suited protein supplement, work hard and show the world what you are capable of, in style!
Whey Protein FAQ’s
Q. Types of Whey Protein Powders?
Ans- There are three types of whey protein powder whey concentrate, whey isolate, and whey Hydrolysate. It describes as below:
- Whey concentrate- Provides protein up to 70 to 80%. It is affordable which you can include in your monthly budget. The amount of lactose present in whey concentrate is 4 to 8%. Lactose is present in the whey protein.
- Whey isolates- It provides protein up to 90%. Fat vitamins are not included in it hence easily digestible. Your body can easily absorb it. Carbohyfrates and lactose are removed form this in order to digust it in better way.
- Whey Hydrolysate- It is good for people who have digestion issues as it is easily digestible. It is also good for digestive system. Doctors prescribes it to the people with digestive system problem as it is good for their system. If you are facing any issue in your digestion, It is the best option.
Q. Benefits of Consuming Whey Protein Powder
Ans- There are different types of requirements in the human body for protein. Protein is good for muscles and bones. The deficiency of protein can lead to different issues in the human body. Men above 19 years need 56 grams, and Girls or women above 14 years of age need 46 grams on daily basis. Few people take it for weight gain, few need it for weight loss, Muscle gain is also a requirement of the people. There are benefits of using protein powder as below:
- It slows down the cholesterol level.
- Help to intake more calories in the body while doing physical exercise.
- It regulates blood pressure at normality.
- It improves the immunity system of the body.
- It helps lean people to gain some weight.
- It does not provide unhealthy fat.
Q1: When should you have protein shake?
Ans- When you want to consume extra calories. You should take the protein shake as it will hppp you in many ways as would help to increase the muscle mass and strength in your body. You can also take just to improve your efficiency in the body.
Q2: Does protein powder damage your liver?
Ans- No, it does not harm any part of the body furthermore excess intake of anything not only protein powder but excess of anything can harm your body. For example extra sweet can lead to sugar in your body. Extra intake of anything in body can lead to the problem. Leaving the taste behind, body only need what it required for smooth functioning, neither extra nor less. You can consult your family doctor also for extra guidance.
Q3: How much protein does an adult need?
Ans- A body takes 10% to 35% of calories from protein. An adult should take 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. It is needed to prevent deficiency of protein from the body. Extra protein you can take in for muscles gain or for weight gain. If you do much physical exercise then you need much more protein as compared to other people who does not do any physical activity.
Q4: what happens if you drink whey protein every day?
Ans- Protein is good for bodybuilding. It is also good for weight gain or weight loss. It also helps to build muscles. Whey protein has other nutrients available in it which are helpful for the human body requirements. Protein is helpful for body strength.
Q5: What happens if I stop whey protein?
Ans- If you think your body does need not the requirement for extra protein, you can stop using it. You can use it as and when you need the extra calories, extra zink, etc. There are so many nutrients available in the protein which are necessary for human body. You can take according to the body need as it differs from person to person, Few people body requires extra protein whereas few people does not require much protein.
Q6: What are the side effects of whey protein?
Ans- There are also side effects of whey protein like kidney problems, unwanted fat gain, gout, increase cardiovascular risks, and unbalanced nutrition consumption issue. There could be other symptoms also. Like if you feel tired earlier as compare to other people or you get viral very easily then you first need to consult the doctor in order to avoid further illness. You can also consult your doctor before using any protein product.
Q7: Is whey protein natural?
Ans- It is a natural source of different factors as it provides 5.1 mg cholesterol which would fulfill your 2% requirement of daily requirement, and provides carb 2g which would fulfill your 1% daily requirement. Before buying anything, first check the reviews of the product and then only go to buy as there are so many products available in the market providing the protein shake or even other protein products. It is a mixture of different natural products in which protein is found at maximum level.
Q8: Is whey protein safe?
Ans- yes, It is 100% safe and secure as it provides lean people to gain muscle strength, helps to control appetite, helps the blood pressure to regulate normally, does lower cholesterol. Body requirement differs for protein intake from person to person. Protein provides important nutrients to the human body, which helps in the different functions of the body.
Q9: Can whey protein cause liver damage?
Ans- It is recommended that if you have any of liver problems then to avoid taking the whey powder as it can damage your liver. You can face other problems related to the liver.
Q10: Can whey protein make you gain weight?
Ans- yes, It is a protein source that is good for increasing muscle mass and strength without gaining unhealthy weight. You gain weight in a healthy manner in order to give strength to the muscles. Even when you think your body does not require much more protein, you can also stop using it.