6 Best Exercises to Build Bigger Biceps

Biceps show strength.

Bigger biceps every bodybuilder wants. Much better if got with minimal effort!

This is possible. We show you how to get them, easily, quickly and effortlessly.

Are you ready? Here we go!

How to Build Bigger Biceps Easily

Biggest Tip

Reduce the weight (dumbbells) and proceed to your workouts slowly but steadily.

Scientific Reason

Bigger dumbbells look like an attractive option but may inflict more damage than you think. Your biceps are not yet ready for the additional weights. On the contrary, less weights and slow & controlled reps build muscle faster because this process makes your biceps do all the work.

Detailed Explanation

You may curl up the weight in a slow and controlled manner but not on the way down. This means you reduce the time under tension because the weights are too heavy. Moreover, you cannot focus on the muscles because you struggle just to get the weight up. Lastly, to pull the bigger weight you use more muscles, which reduce the accumulated pump in muscles you intend to target, the biceps.

1. The Dumbbell Curl

Step by step

  1. Lie on an incline bench with weights in each hand.
  2. Keep your palms facing forward.
  3. Curl the weights up, pause for a few seconds at the top.
  4. Lower back down under using full control.

This completes one rep. Repeat 10-15 times.

2. Hammer Curl

Choose a lighter dumbbell than the previous exercise. This exercise will give much better results if you follow the one you did earlier.

Step by step

  1. Lie on the incline bench with palms facing each other.
  2. Curl the dumbbells up, pause at the top for a few seconds.
  3. Lower them back in a controlled manner.
  4. Squeeze your biceps at the top of the lift to work your muscles much harder.

This completes one rep. Repeat 10-15 times for a fuller experience.

3. Preacher Curl

This exercise uses an EZ Bar.

Step by step

  1. Sit at a preacher bench and hold an EZ bar with an underhand grip.
  2. Curl the bar up to the top.
  3. Pause for a few seconds and squeeze.
  4. Lower the bar slowly until your arms are very straight.

This is one rep. Repeat 15-20 times for an amazing experience.

4. Preacher Reverse Curl

There is no need to get up from the Preacher Bench.

Use the same weight you used in the previous exercise.

Step by step

  1. Sit at a preacher bench and hold an EZ changing your grip to a double-overhand hold.
  2. Curl the bar up to the top.
  3. Pause for a few seconds and squeeze.
  4. Lower the bar slowly until your arms are very straight.

This is one rep. Repeat 15-20 times for the complete feeling.

5. Cable Bar Curl

Step by step

  1. Hold a straight bar that is attached to the lower pulley.
  2. Keep your elbows by your sides.
  3. Now curl the bar up, pause for a few seconds.
  4. Bring it back to original position.

This is one rep. Repeat 10-15 times.

6. Cable Hammer Curl

Here you reduce the weight by a plate or two and then switch cable attachment to a double-handed rope.

Step by step

  1. Hold it with palms facing each other.
  2. Curl it up, pause for a few seconds.
  3. Bring it back to starting position.

This is one rep. Repeat for 15-20 times.

Food for thought: Learn something new

When you move your muscles through the full range of motion, it will engage the maximum number of muscle fibers, key to faster growth.

At the top of every rep (when your hands are closest to your chin), always squeeze your biceps as hard as possible for a few seconds. This will fire up extra muscle fibers to hold the weight steady and increase blood flow for a muscle-building pump.

Engage Your Mind As Well To Build Muscle

Always watch your steps with fully focused eyes. Follow these three mental workout rules to accelerate your progress like never before.

  1. Always visualize the move and think how your biceps are contracting to move the weight. This will build quicker neural pathways between your brain and biceps. The faster they fire, the faster you grow.
  2. Count the tempo so that when you are proceeding from 1st to 2nd rep you will expose your biceps to more tension (because there is more work to do).
  3. Always count the two-three-second lowering part – in your head, ideally – it will make sure you do not rush your reps and complete them slowly.
  4. Counting up, especially for long sets, makes it harder to stay motivated. (Still, it is necessary because until you arrive to your break point, and exceed your muscles will not grow as much as you want them to)
  5. Go high to low Counting down your reps will help you push through hard sets because you know the end is in sight.

Pro Tip
When you reach your break point, take a small break and sip your whey protein smoothie with honey, wait for a few more seconds and complete your next sets of reps. Imagine the satisfaction of overcoming the hurdle and reaching the next level! YO!