The 15 Best Fat-Burning Foods: Lose Belly Fat

We know that you are always looking for additional ways to lose fat. These fat-burning foods add the oomph to your weight loss routine. When eaten they have their plus points but when combined together they enhance their act many times over. Enough of this talk and let us get down to business.

No food does the entire task on its own unless aided with something else. Remember that you can burn fat only when you eat less calories and burn more. Basically you force your body to break down lipid stores for energy only then some fat loss occurs.

It is immaterial if you increase your metabolism to burn excess fat or you try to feel fuller so that you tend to eat fewer calories, these evergreen foods are known to increase the rate of fat loss. So eat them regularly, and see the dramatic results quickly.

Related: Best supplements to burn fat quickly

Top 15 Best Fat Burning Foods You Need to Eat

1. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne PepperYou must have experienced the Red Pepper and how fiery it feels. The fire within the pepper (capsaicin) converts food into energy and suppresses your appetite. Also the peppery fire increases your blood supply and hence it also cleanses your system. Research shows that those who consume Cayenne Pepper consumed at least 200 less calories on their next meal. Start with a pinch of the powder and when you sustain it, gradually increase the quantity.

2. Ripe Avocados

Ripe AvocadosRich in vitamin B6, which counteracts with tummy-fat-building stress hormone Cortisol they come loaded with monounsaturated fat. Now, this healthy fat prevents body fat distribution around your tummy. Also many researchers noted that those who ate half avocado at lunch said they had upto 40% less desire to eat for hours together. So the ripe avocado is the most effective fat-burning and hunger-suppressing fruits humanity knows.

3. High Power Rolled Oats

OatsOats are much better than white bread as they contain fiber and resist spike in blood sugar. Carbs of this type are much better than those without any calories. Research says that those who ate oat meal three times a day had much “Fuller” feeling than those who ate bread/pasta/rice and had 10% less fat on tummy.

Related: 15 delicious high protein foods to eat

4. Raw or Sundried Tomatoes

Sundried TomatoesJapanese researchers discovered 9-oxo-ODA, a compound in tomatoes that activate your DNA to burn more fat. Tomatoes also excel in beta-carotene and lycopene (the cooked variety have more bio-available lycopene) the two potent antioxidants the grab the harmful compounds promoting fat storage. With the Police around how can the Thieves survive?

5. Grapefruit

GrapefruitShred an inch off your waistlines by including grapefruit in your daily salad. Surprising, isn’t it? Grapefruit sparks your body’s fat-burning ability because it is rich in phytochemicals, bioactive compounds stimulate the product of a hormone called adiponectin which breaks down fat. Also, it “turns-on” calorie-burning brown fat cells, promoting breakdown of body fat while reducing appetite.

Also eat the following fruits for muscle building

6. Reduce 1 inch per month, using Coconut Oil

Coconut OilThat’s right, one inch per month just by slurping two tablespoons of Coconut Oil. It is no less than a Dietary Miracle, a fat that makes you skinny. Slurping just two tablespoonfuls reduces abdominal obesity and it also helps you lose weight. Thanks to the presence of medium-chain tryglycerides, which are burned as energy instead of being stored as fat and the Lauric Acid which looks for belly fat and torch it. Another Police here but without uniform!

7. Almonds

AlmondsSay thanks to Almonds for having a compound which limits the fat absorbed in our body!!! A handful of almonds deliver a serious fat-burning punch: 62 percent greater reduction in weight and BMI. What is more, eating just 1.5 ounces of almonds daily led to a reduction in belly and leg fat, research showed. For added effect, eat almonds before working out: The amino acid L-arginine can help you burn more fat and carbs. Exercising has no alternative.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider VinegarThis liquid produces proteins inside the body that burn fat. Yes! Apple Cider Vinegar basically is acetic acid which helps in increase the rate at which the body burns off carbs by up to 40 percent. Once carbs burn, our body destroys fat quickly, without waiting. ACV slows the release of sugar into bloodstream and maintains it too. Wow this liquid is smart and helpful in dissolving fat and reduces tummy size.

9. Wow Cinnamon

CinnamonAdd Cinnamon to your overnight meal or morning coffee and reap the benefit of kick starting your metabolism. Cinnamaldehyde, the ingredient that gives cinnamon its flavor, has powerful antioxidants called polyphenols alters body composition and improves insulin sensitivity. In other words, it keeps blood sugar stable and prevents hunger-inducing spikes and crashes. Lose belly fat now and say Wow!

10. Wonderful and Cheap, Cauliflower

CauliflowerEating crunchy cruciferous vegetables is more beneficial because they are more thermogenic, meaning our body burns more calories digesting them. Your body has to work more to digest and hence you lose more. Ultimately you simply decrease your body fat, and that too for peanuts!

11. Turmeric, Wow & Wow

TurmericTurmeric is a powerful fat fighter and Indians already know this. The active ingredient Curcumin is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory options that help body in a different way. Without changing diet, adding turmeric to your daily diet experience reduces weight gain and body fat levels. So what is the harm in trying this out?

12. Garlic

GarlicEating a few garlic cloves helps metabolize sugar more efficiently and prevent fat molecules (lipids) from building up in blood. This is made possible by the compound Allicin. Bad breath is just a small irritant but look at the benefits garlic brings! Say yes to garlic today!

13. Pumpkin Seeds, Full of Magnesium

Pumpkin SeedsJust half a cup of pumpkin seeds provide 100% of your daily magnesium needs. Have them and your metabolism is at its peak, your body produces and stores energy and boosts lipolysis (the process by which your body releases fat from its stores to use as energy). Simple looking but High Acting, Pumpkin Seeds do the trick no one else can even think about!

14. Cottage Cheese aka Casein Protein

Cottage CheeseWhen you don’t get enough sleep, you will surely eat more calories the next day. Also lack of sleep adds weight so it is of utmost importance to ensure you sleep well. Cottage Cheese, or Casein, is a slow digesting protein and feeds your body very slowly. In fact so slow that a slice of cottage cheese will take whole night to digest and keep your energy levels intact. Also the sleep-promoting amino acid Tryptophan is a boon to have. So, sleep well and eat less the next day and keep weight at bay!

15. Plums

PlumsRed and Pink are the best colors for weight loss. This color indicates that the fruit has higher levels of flavonoids, particularly anthocyanins which calm the action of fat-storage genes. They even turn off the fat genes in addition to Pectin, a gelatin type fiber found in the cell walls that limits the amount of fat our cells can absorb.